“Oh, the places you’ll go”

Okay, so let me set the scene for you: It is hot as hell outside, and the sun feels like it’s beaming directly on you. You just hopped out your car because your phone died, so now you can’t use the GPS and you forgot which way to go. Now, you’re standing in the middle of a major intersection and there’s about three different roads ahead of you. Each road leads to the same direction though. Yet, each road is unique in its own way because each one is teaching you a valuable lesson. Of course like any other busy road, there will be construction sites, road blocks and may even get into a few fender benders. But when you choose that path, you’ll know if you made the right decision.

That whole scenario I just set for you, is my current situation. As you know, I recently graduated and currently working, now; I’m trying to figure what’s my next step. It tends to keep me up all night some days, because I cannot figure what exactly I want to do next. Some days I want to go apply for grad school and continue learning about communication, or continue to search for internships in result of gaining all the experience I can. At least it’s safe to say that I’m not the only person that are having uncertainty on their next step in life.

I believe everyone has those moments where they’re like “what the hell am I going to do now?!”. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a new parent, car owner, home owner, recent graduate, newly wed and etc. Everyone faces those moments where the uncertainty of “how” and “when” can lead to overthinking and insomina. It does not determine whether he/she is scared of the future, sometimes a person is just simply indecisive.

I would not say I’m “lost” or “confused”, because I know for sure whatever I decide to do, I’ll be successful. I know regardless of what I do next, I will achieve my goal and I will be successful. As everyone knows, Libra’s are always known for being indecisive. (Oh yeah, my birthday is September 29 #teamlibra) And that is one of my biggest flaws. I cannot make a decision to save my life (no seriously, it takes me days at a time to make a simple decision on anything). So you can only imagine how hard of time I have been having with making a decision.

This is me *shrugs*

One thing I do want people to understand is, it is okay to be at that intersection but don’t make that intersection you’re permanent parking space. Never let any situation or environment handicap you from proceeding in life.This intersection is just a minor set back. YET, every minor set back has a major come back. Sometimes we have to put our worries and fears aside of the “what if’s” and continue to precede and succeed. No one can stop you but you, because you’re in control of your own life. Just “do it” like Nike.

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You’ll Go!

Until next time ..

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Jocelyn says:

    Thanks baby girl for the read!! I think you hit that intersection again when you turn into the intersection of 50th Road aka Mid-life Crisis Lane. Thank you for letting me know it’s okay to stay idle for the moment but do keep it moving. 😉 I love the blog and you 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. viakyla says:

      Thank you Mommy ❤️ Yes, everyone has their moment when the pressure of starting that chapter is weighing heavy on the shoulders. I love you more


  2. Bree says:

    I know exactly how you feel & I haven’t even graduated yet (lol) .. sometimes being idle is a good thing because you take your time deciding what path you’re ready to go down.. just don’t become stagnant. Good read my girl . xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. viakyla says:

      So true girl ! Love as you have a positive mindset you can do anything you put your mind too. Determination is the key to not being stagnant


  3. Kim says:

    Turn every road block into a stepping stone,then follow the path before you.

    Liked by 1 person

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